Three weeks ago there was a big storm. At school there was heap's of trees on the ground. Room 6 and me looked around the school. Choi took photos of the broken trees. At my house nothing broke but it was very windy.
Yesterday when we were dropping my mum off for work it was raining pretty hard so we went to the DVD shop. There was a lot of water on the road, but it wasn't closed.
My cyber pet is called Piggy. I got him because he was not greedy and he rolls in the mud. When he is all muddy I feed him an apple and you can also spray with a sprayer that washes all the mud off.
My dog is scared of balloons. We don't know why but when he hears a balloon or sees one he shakes and shoots out the door and sometimes runs out the gate. Now we can't have balloons any more.
Hello this is Sam and I'm in room 6 . My teacher is Choi she is really cool. We have been baking. I haven't baked yet I've heard that the bread is yummy.